Friday, July 31, 2009

Results....sort of....

I had my follow up appointment today. It worries me a little bit that, first of all, my original doctor was nowhere to be found, and second, the doctor that I did see didn't know I'd had a full lumpectomy. He thought I only had a needle aspiration. My pathology results were nowhere to be found! When they finally got a hold of my original doctor he just told them that he wanted to see me on Monday instead. They did have the results of this "needle aspiration" which is the outcome of the fluid that was inside the cysts. It was benign, which is fantastic. The doctor did say that the preliminary pathology results, based on the needle aspiration results, are very promising. I guess I'll know more on Monday.

1 comment:

corylvngstn said...

Wow, a little disorganized. I'd expect more from a place that can get sued for making mistakes. I'm glad to hear that the cysts are benign, that's awesome news! I thought the doc was going to be on leave which was the whole reason for you coming in today. Oh well, at least you know you'll be there for the full 10 days. :)

I love you, beautiful!!!