Thursday, July 30, 2009

Post-op follow up....coming soon.

So, I have my post-op follow up appointment tomorrow. I'm very anxious to hear the results. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be here. The post-op appointment wasn't supposed to be until the 10th day or so and I'm being seen only 6 days after the surgery. My case manager tried to get me an appointment on the 3rd or 4th of August, as that would have been the 9th and 10th day post-op, but I guess my doctor is going on leave. I hope they are still going to give me the full 10 days, at least, to recover. As of right now I still can't go up and down stairs correctly. You know how one usually more or less bounces up and down stairs? Well, I have to "glide" down them. Not only that, but even when I walk I have to be really careful. I still even have pain if I'm just sitting there. The doc gave me Percocet and if I'm on them the pain is maybe at a level 2. Once they wear off the pain is at about a 4 or 5 which isn't THAT bad, but it's still pain and I don't like pain :(

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