Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Not much going on.

I finally got my computer a couple days ago!  I was so excited!  I LOVE it!!!  I stayed up way past my bedtime playing around with it.  

So, points came out yesterday and I don't have enough for Sergeant.  Once I go to the board on the 2nd I will have about 500 points.  Hopefully the points go back down next month.  They are sitting in the 630's.  

I don't really have all that much to say today.  I'll put up a couple of the pictures I took of Kibbles just before we had to take him inside the vet.  I still catch
myself looking for him when I walk into the shack where we keep our phones.  

He stayed there almost the entire time I was driving around.

Goodbye, Kibbles.

Hopefully I'll have more to write about tomorrow.  Love and hugs to everyone!


corylvngstn said...

I'm so glad your computer finally got there! That's a huge load off of both of us. :)

Those pictures are really cute and that hat is awesome!

I love you beautiful!

tatnlace said...

Oh Kibbles....... Love you Maurin!!!!

Heather Bailey said...

Hey! Merry Christmas! :) Sorry about Kibbles.. :( Hope you are doing well.. I don't know when I will be coming up there now... We'll see...