Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Update on my recovery...

I've had a couple appointments since the last time I updated everyone on my status. I finally got to see my surgeon this past Monday. He pretty much told me the same thing the doctor on Friday told me; that my results came back benign. I guess right after my surgery the doctor told me that once he cut into me and saw what was actually there he decided to not remove the cysts but to only drain them....hence the needle aspiration. He asked me how the pain was and when I told him that it was still at a level 4 without my meds he decided to keep me here for another week. I'm not complaining about that! Oh, I had to go to the emergency room this past weekend. A side effect of my pain medicine (Percocet) is constipation (sorry if that's TMI) and it finally caught up to me on Saturday. I had major cramping and I was running to the bathroom every 10 to 15 minutes. When we got here we were told that if we needed "emergency care" to go to the DWMMC (Deployed Warriors Medical Center...not sure what the other M is for). The nurse I saw there thought it would be in my best interest to go throught the ER instead. All I wanted to get were some softeners but they made me go through a bunch of tests anyway. I knew what was going on but they weren't having any of that. Sure enough, once I was seen by a doctor and he looked over my X-rays and urine sample he told me that the constipation was working itself through and he was going to give me some softeners for later. DUH!!! Overall it was a pretty fast ER visit....probably the fastest I've ever had and I've been to the ER a few times. Not just for me but for Haylie as well. My next appointment with the doctor isn't until Monday the 10th. At that time he will probably RTD me (return to duty). Well, that's about it I believe. I hope to get more sight seeing in while I'm here. I just heard from Ina, my Germany friend from the time I was stationed here. Hopefully we can hang out a bit! Oh, and Becky and I are going to go on the chaplain's trip this Saturday. It's to Heidelberg. I've been there a couple times already but it's worth it to go again!

1 comment:

corylvngstn said...

I'm glad your visit wasn't too long. It sucks that you had to go through all of that though. It would be nice if doctors could trust our judgement. I'm sure they have their reasons. Think of all the people in the past that swore they knew what was wrong with them and they were incorrect. Mostly I'm just glad you're ok and you're getting a nice break out of this. Still wishing I could be there.

Love you!!!