Saturday, May 23, 2009

My sisto visited!!.....Kansas, not Iraq :P

I can’t believe another week is gone already!  I decided to take this past week off from the gym.  I was feeling extremely burnt out.  I’m ready to get going again though.  In fact, I’m actually really excited to start going again.  I know that sounds crazy.  I’ve been eating like crap this past week too.  M&Ms and cinnamon fried waffles and soda!!  I’m surprised I didn’t gain any weight with the way I’ve been eating!  Still holding steady at 146. 


I’m going to a BBQ this afternoon.  Every month a different section has to host one.  It all started with us here at Slayer Hill.  Our commander came to one of our first ones and decided that she loved going to them and so made everyone else throw one.  I think she’s forcing the other sections to host them so she doesn’t have to drive as far.


I got a new roommate last night.  Her name is Rebecca and so far she is 100% better than her predecessor!  We’ve already spoken more than I did with the other one.  She seems very very nice.  So far so good!!  I hope it lasts!


My sisto, Erin and her hubby Matthew visited Cory and the kids this past week.  From what I hear, with the exception of the first day, everything went well.  Erin brought down the dress she picked out for me.  I’ve only seen it over web cam and from what I can tell it is very pretty.  She also brought down earrings, bracelets and a pair of shoes.  I can’t wait to see how they look on me.  Cory and the kids are doing well.  Kevin and Haylie only have one more week of school before their summer vacation.  I can’t believe Kevin is going to be starting Middle School in a few months!  Haylie is going to be going into the 4th grade.  Time flies!  It seems like just the other day she was going into Kindergarten and Kevin was going into the 2nd grade.


The weather here sucks!!  I forgot just how much it actually sucks!!  By 7 in the morning it’s already in the mid 90s!  The other day it got up to 115…and this is just the beginning of the hot months!  I remembered how hot it can get, but until you actually FEEL it….I’m starting to sweat just thinking about it! 


Well, I think that’s about it for this week.  Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I did.

All the women in my family have now officially embarrassed Kevin at school.

I think he knows what's about to come his way.

Little Miss Haylie and one of her friends.

I love the smile on Haylie's face.  What's the matter, Hunnybear?

What's that?!  Miley getting ready to pounce.

Gotcha!!  Miley seems to really like this....weird.

That's my Kitty; fat, lazy and loveable!

And another shoe diva is born!

One of these days he'll stop these future girlfriend embarrassment shots.
I can't wait to show these off!  :P
I believed it's a mother's right of passage.

Maybe they won't ever stop.....

My sisto and her hubby...that glass of wine looks YUMMY!!

1 comment:

corylvngstn said...

I'm glad to hear that you were able to get along with your new roomie so quickly and easily.

The visit from Erin and Matthew was nice. Me and Matthew got in some good gaming, we all got some good eating and window shopping at the mall. Can you believe that Erin had only one glass of wine at Old Chicago WITHOUT arguing or getting grumpy about it?! I was shocked. :D

That sucks about the weather there. I remember when it got that hot for a week while we were in Georgia. That was the same week that my rear tire on the MX-6 blew out on the interstate. Not only was it WAY too hot, but also changing a tire on the shoulder with cars swooping by at 80 mph was really scary. I thing that was the fastest tire I ever changed! And to top it off, I didn't have A/C in that car so I couldn't cool off at all once I got back in the car. :( And now you have to put up with that weather all summer. Good thing you have A/C in your trailer unlike your first deployment.

Oh, that pic with me in it... that look was because of how goofy Haylie was being. She is such a goof ball. I don't think she had her medicine that day.