Kevin and Haylie’s last day of school was this past Thursday. They are really excited to start their summer vacations. Their Grandpa Doug is coming down for a visit next weekend and then the weekend after that Cory and the kids are heading up to Minnesota for 4 days to see Grandma Deb. Haylie’s birthday is in June and Kevin’s is in August so she’s just going to give both of them their birthday gifts while they are there. I’m having Cory take the gifts I sent up to Minnesota with him so she can open them up there. They are really cute clothes and I want Deb to be able to enjoy them too since she’s not living as close as she once was.
Work has been work. The days are still mushing together which is always good. SGT Ruby is kinda getting in trouble again. He’s had the slideshow to do every day since January and since we started getting full days off I’ve been taking care of it on his day off, which is Thursdays. The past couple of Thursdays I’ve noticed that there will be days where he doesn’t have any current information (I really can’t get into more detail than that). The first time I noticed it I brought it directly to him and asked what was going on. He gave me some excuse of there not being any current data when he checks. Whatever. It happened again this past Thursday plus a little more. I took it to SGT Ahmed and our LT. While they were talking I decided to check SGT Ruby’s work for yesterday. EVERYTHING was exactly the same. He didn’t add any new information. Just to be sure there really wasn’t any information, I checked myself. Sure enough I found a slew of information. I took that to the LT as well. Ruby gave me the same excuse. He pretty much gets one more chance. I’m supposed to pick a day at random to check his work and if I find a mistake like that again he’s getting an Article 15. I really hate having to watch someone like this. He’s an adult and should be able to follow instructions and get things done that he’s responsible for. Ok, enough about that. Argh!!
Back in January I gave an update on my weight loss with measurements. To refresh your mind and not make you go back in time within these blogs to find what I’m talking about, here is what said measurements were: Neck – 13”, Hips – 40”, Waist – 29” and Weight – 146lbs. I decided to measure myself again since my wonderful husband sent me one of those nifty tape measures that rolls itself up. Are you ready for this? Neck – 12”, Hips – 37”, Waist – 27” and Weight – 145. With the measurements from January I had 27% body fat which, according to the Army Fitness Calculator, says my health is Fair. With these new measurements I have 21% body fat and my health range is Excellent!! In just 4 months I have lost 6% body fat and a combined 6 inches off my body…and I’ve only lost ONE pound!!! And even that’s iffy. There are still times when I’ll weigh myself at the gym and I’ll be pushing 150. It all depends on the time of day I weigh myself. Now, just because I want to see how far I’ve come….March 2008 was the last time I had any measurements taken while I was fat: Neck – 15”, Hips – 42”, Waist – 33” and Weight – 179lbs. Body fat was 32%. I didn’t start trying to lose weight until October of 2008 when I deployed, so in 7 months I have lost 34 pounds, 11% body fat and a combined 14 inches off my entire body! Actually, that weight loss was done in about 4 months from October to the end of January. Sorry if I bored everyone, I’ll stop now.
It’s been a week since I got a new roommate. Everything is going well. We talk everyday and there isn’t any awkwardness between us, which is great. With my last roommate you could walk into the room and literally feel the tension and awkwardness.
Well, I guess that’s about it for now. I miss everyone!! Only 4 more months to go!!!!

Ren! You look amazing!! I'm still jealous of the boobs, though! :P
4 more months! Time is ticking for both of us! :D I am so excited! I hope things at work are getting better! We have been slammed... All this crap that can happen... has happened.. You know how the army goes!! I hope to see some more pics, soon! I'm proud of you!!! Little Mrs. Hottie!
Wow! Those measurements are awesome! I am so proud of you. You look amazing and I can't wait for you to come home so I can... wait, this is a public blog. LOL!
Love you!!!
Booyah!!!!!!! You rock, chica!! Yeah, I too am jealous of the boobs, and like I said on Facebook, you best be ready for victoria secrets to knock on your door and pay you whatever you want to come model for them. You're a knockout! Muah! Can't WAIT to see you and give you a giant hug!! Loves!
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