So I think the reason I didn’t feel like blogging earlier was because I was really really hot and irritated. My AC unit wasn’t working properly. I walked to the KBR service desk and put in a work order. Thankfully they came to fix it about 2 hours later. It’s working like a charm now. It’s working so well that I’m wearing my hoodie and cuddled underneath the covers. They didn’t get it fixed before my headache set in. I tried taking a nap to make it go away and I think that just made it worse. The only thing I had with headache medicine in it was NyQuil, so I took that. I’m a little tired now but the headache is gone. J I didn’t get to do everything that I wanted to do today, probably because of the irritability and the headache. I have a ton of Women’s Health magazines and workout magazines that I was going to sift through and cut out all the neat exercises I came across and tape them to some printer paper and maybe make a little binder out of it. Sounds silly, I know, but I don’t really have anything else to do. I’ll just take it to work with me tomorrow and start it up there. I did manage to get my room cleaned up….but then the AC guys came and made a mess. I should probably go get some dinner, but I don’t want to go out in this heat and risk my headache coming back. Good thing I grabbed a banana and have some snack bars in my room.
Ok, I think that’s all for now again. More later.

WOW! You look great in those dresses! I knew you would though. :) One question though... Are you playing flamingo in that first pic? :D
That really sucks that your a/c wasn't working right. I'm glad you got it fixed though.
I love you!!!
HI!!!!!! Ew, no AC in hot weather is NO FUN! I'm glad I don't get heat headaches like you though - that's horrible! How cute are your new dresses??!! And how GORGEOUS do you look in them!!! :-) I LOVE them! Especially the one with the thick black borders and pretty green flowers! You're going to have to do some serious shoe shopping when you get home! :-) You're magazine project sounds like fun to me! I love all of those cool excersises they demonstrate and used to do the same thing (cutting them out, etc) back in my excersising days. I really need to get back into that! I'm glad you can do things like that to entertain yourself at work. Don't you crochet as well? Let me know if this is something I can tuck into your care package. Any excuse to go to Michael's is welcomed. Or perhaps some scrapbooking stuff? I know that is fun. Oh I miss you so much! Muah! All my love, melissa
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