Saturday, May 30, 2009

Skinny I come!!!!!

Kevin and Haylie’s last day of school was this past Thursday.  They are really excited to start their summer vacations.  Their Grandpa Doug is coming down for a visit next weekend and then the weekend after that Cory and the kids are heading up to Minnesota for 4 days to see Grandma Deb.  Haylie’s birthday is in June and Kevin’s is in August so she’s just going to give both of them their birthday gifts while they are there.  I’m having Cory take the gifts I sent up to Minnesota with him so she can open them up there.  They are really cute clothes and I want Deb to be able to enjoy them too since she’s not living as close as she once was.


Work has been work.  The days are still mushing together which is always good.  SGT Ruby is kinda getting in trouble again.  He’s had the slideshow to do every day since January and since we started getting full days off I’ve been taking care of it on his day off, which is Thursdays.  The past couple of Thursdays I’ve noticed that there will be days where he doesn’t have any current information (I really can’t get into more detail than that).  The first time I noticed it I brought it directly to him and asked what was going on.  He gave me some excuse of there not being any current data when he checks.  Whatever.  It happened again this past Thursday plus a little more.  I took it to SGT Ahmed and our LT.  While they were talking I decided to check SGT Ruby’s work for yesterday.  EVERYTHING was exactly the same.  He didn’t add any new information.  Just to be sure there really wasn’t any information, I checked myself.  Sure enough I found a slew of information.  I took that to the LT as well.  Ruby gave me the same excuse.  He pretty much gets one more chance.  I’m supposed to pick a day at random to check his work and if I find a mistake like that again he’s getting an Article 15.  I really hate having to watch someone like this.  He’s an adult and should be able to follow instructions and get things done that he’s responsible for.  Ok, enough about that.  Argh!!


Back in January I gave an update on my weight loss with measurements.  To refresh your mind and not make you go back in time within these blogs to find what I’m talking about, here is what said measurements were: Neck – 13”, Hips – 40”, Waist – 29” and Weight – 146lbs.  I decided to measure myself again since my wonderful husband sent me one of those nifty tape measures that rolls itself up.  Are you ready for this?  Neck – 12”, Hips – 37”, Waist – 27” and Weight – 145.  With the measurements from January I had 27% body fat which, according to the Army Fitness Calculator, says my health is Fair.  With these new measurements I have 21% body fat and my health range is Excellent!!  In just 4 months I have lost 6% body fat and a combined 6 inches off my body…and I’ve only lost ONE pound!!!  And even that’s iffy.  There are still times when I’ll weigh myself at the gym and I’ll be pushing 150.  It all depends on the time of day I weigh myself.  Now, just because I want to see how far I’ve come….March 2008 was the last time I had any measurements taken while I was fat: Neck – 15”, Hips – 42”, Waist – 33” and Weight – 179lbs.  Body fat was 32%.  I didn’t start trying to lose weight until October of 2008 when I deployed, so in 7 months I have lost 34 pounds, 11% body fat and a combined 14 inches off my entire body!  Actually, that weight loss was done in about 4 months from October to the end of January.  Sorry if I bored everyone, I’ll stop now.


It’s been a week since I got a new roommate.  Everything is going well.  We talk everyday and there isn’t any awkwardness between us, which is great.  With my last roommate you could walk into the room and literally feel the tension and awkwardness. 


Well, I guess that’s about it for now.  I miss everyone!!  Only 4 more months to go!!!!

Kevin and Haylie's last day of 5th and 3rd grade!!

Walking out to the bus stop...Haylie, hunny, your outfit doesn't match sweetie *kisses*  :P

My favorite cousin Myron and his wife Chrissie with their adorable son Liam!

Good job on getting the red eye out they look possessed.  :P

And finally me...I cannot get over how good I look...and feel!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My sisto visited!!.....Kansas, not Iraq :P

I can’t believe another week is gone already!  I decided to take this past week off from the gym.  I was feeling extremely burnt out.  I’m ready to get going again though.  In fact, I’m actually really excited to start going again.  I know that sounds crazy.  I’ve been eating like crap this past week too.  M&Ms and cinnamon fried waffles and soda!!  I’m surprised I didn’t gain any weight with the way I’ve been eating!  Still holding steady at 146. 


I’m going to a BBQ this afternoon.  Every month a different section has to host one.  It all started with us here at Slayer Hill.  Our commander came to one of our first ones and decided that she loved going to them and so made everyone else throw one.  I think she’s forcing the other sections to host them so she doesn’t have to drive as far.


I got a new roommate last night.  Her name is Rebecca and so far she is 100% better than her predecessor!  We’ve already spoken more than I did with the other one.  She seems very very nice.  So far so good!!  I hope it lasts!


My sisto, Erin and her hubby Matthew visited Cory and the kids this past week.  From what I hear, with the exception of the first day, everything went well.  Erin brought down the dress she picked out for me.  I’ve only seen it over web cam and from what I can tell it is very pretty.  She also brought down earrings, bracelets and a pair of shoes.  I can’t wait to see how they look on me.  Cory and the kids are doing well.  Kevin and Haylie only have one more week of school before their summer vacation.  I can’t believe Kevin is going to be starting Middle School in a few months!  Haylie is going to be going into the 4th grade.  Time flies!  It seems like just the other day she was going into Kindergarten and Kevin was going into the 2nd grade.


The weather here sucks!!  I forgot just how much it actually sucks!!  By 7 in the morning it’s already in the mid 90s!  The other day it got up to 115…and this is just the beginning of the hot months!  I remembered how hot it can get, but until you actually FEEL it….I’m starting to sweat just thinking about it! 


Well, I think that’s about it for this week.  Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I did.

All the women in my family have now officially embarrassed Kevin at school.

I think he knows what's about to come his way.

Little Miss Haylie and one of her friends.

I love the smile on Haylie's face.  What's the matter, Hunnybear?

What's that?!  Miley getting ready to pounce.

Gotcha!!  Miley seems to really like this....weird.

That's my Kitty; fat, lazy and loveable!

And another shoe diva is born!

One of these days he'll stop these future girlfriend embarrassment shots.
I can't wait to show these off!  :P
I believed it's a mother's right of passage.

Maybe they won't ever stop.....

My sisto and her hubby...that glass of wine looks YUMMY!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A little more

So I think the reason I didn’t feel like blogging earlier was because I was really really hot and irritated.  My AC unit wasn’t working properly.  I walked to the KBR service desk and put in a work order.  Thankfully they came to fix it about 2 hours later.  It’s working like a charm now.  It’s working so well that I’m wearing my hoodie and cuddled underneath the covers.  They didn’t get it fixed before my headache set in.  I tried taking a nap to make it go away and I think that just made it worse.  The only thing I had with headache medicine in it was NyQuil, so I took that.  I’m a little tired now but the headache is gone.  J  I didn’t get to do everything that I wanted to do today, probably because of the irritability and the headache.  I have a ton of Women’s Health magazines and workout magazines that I was going to sift through and cut out all the neat exercises I came across and tape them to some printer paper and maybe make a little binder out of it.  Sounds silly, I know, but I don’t really have anything else to do.  I’ll just take it to work with me tomorrow and start it up there.  I did manage to get my room cleaned up….but then the AC guys came and made a mess.  I should probably go get some dinner, but I don’t want to go out in this heat and risk my headache coming back.  Good thing I grabbed a banana and have some snack bars in my room.


Ok, I think that’s all for now again.  More later.

Two more dresses I bought

Not really in the mood.

One more week down, only 17 or so left!!  Man is it starting to get HOT!!  The weather site says it’s supposed to get up to 99 degrees today and 103 tomorrow!  Not looking forward to the next few months.


Work has been…well…work.  Yesterday I had to go to the area where that guy killed those 5 people last week.  It was kinda creepy.  The yellow tape is still up around the entire building.  I mailed off a few packages today.  I bought a bunch of clothes for Haylie’s birthday and wrapped them all up.  I wasn’t thinking because I had to open them all back up so the post office lady could inspect them.  Oops!  I also mailed Kevin a pair of boots.  I ordered them back in February for me but apparently the sizes listed were men’s sizes so the 8 that I ordered is WAY too big for me.  Kevin should be able to fit into them…I hope.  If I remember correctly, he has only one week left of grounding.  He managed to finish his report on the last day it was due…well, the day it was due after Cory gave him the ultimatum.  And he used every last minute of that day.  He turned it in at midnight.  I’m not quite sure how you teach someone to not procrastinate.  Mother’s Day was good.  I received cards and letters from Cory and the kids. 


I don’t really know what else to say right now.  I’m not really in the mood to blog.  Maybe I’ll write more tonight or a little later in the week.  

Me in one of the dresses I bought.

Kevin at one of his guitar concerts.

Getting ready to play the recorder...Hunny, I think it's time for a hair cut.  :)

Little Miss Haylie

Uh oh, am I in trouble?

No? Ok then, I'll just get comfy.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

No more Disney World.....Jamaica here we come!!

Today is my first full day off since I deployed.  So far I’ve talked to my friend Melissa in Hawaii, mailed some letters that I’ve been meaning to for a while, cleaned my CHU, got some things from the PX (a nice smelly thing to make my CHU smell nice), ran two miles, took a nap, read, messed around on the internet and now I’m writing this blog. 


I took a diagnostic PT test just to see where I stand since coming off my profile about a month ago.  I did 30 push-ups, 92 sit-ups and I ran 2 miles in 15:25.  The total score for each event is: 76/100 (110 on extended scale)/100 (103 on extended scale) so a total of 276!  I’ve NEVER scored that high on a PT test before!  Hopefully I’ll be able to blow the next record PT test out of the water.  20 more push-ups and I will have maxed the test!


SGT Ahmed is back from leave.  While I enjoyed being the squad leader while he was gone I’m glad to be able to hand it back over to him.  We thought we were going to move to 8 hour days but no such luck.  Instead, we now get one full day off a week.  While I would much rather work 8 hours every day 7 days a week, I’m ok with getting a full day off.


Ok, now for the unpleasant stuff.  Haylie has lost her trip to Disney World less than a week after we warned her what would happen if she continued her behavior.  Sometime between Tuesday night and Friday of last week she snuck into her brother’s room while he was sleeping and took his money again.  While he was sleeping was the only time he didn’t lock his bedroom door.  While I was expecting her to start screaming and whining when we told her she wasn’t going, Cory said her reaction was very genuine.  He said she cried a lot but it was a very quiet cry.  Kevin is on the verge of losing his vacation as well.  Since we were going to Disney World mostly for Haylie we switched the vacation to just Cory and Kevin going to Worlds of Fun for a couple of days this summer while I’m gone.  He is still currently being punished for his behavior in school.  He is supposed to write a report about everything that happened and whatnot.  It was due over a week and a half ago.  Cory added 100 words for every day it was late.  He got up to 2000 before Cory said anything.  If Kevin turns it in by this Sunday he only has to write 1500 words.  If it’s late it’s then due by the following Sunday and it has to be the original 2000 words.  If he doesn’t hand it in at that time he doesn’t get the 2 days at Worlds of Fun and he doesn’t get the one day to play with his best friend before his best friend moves to Louisiana.  He will still have to finish it and he will be grounded until he does.  Both kids are also not keeping their rooms clean and so far have refused to clean them even after Cory asks them to.  They both are being just downright disobedient.  It’s going to be brought up at John’s this coming Tuesday.  We are thinking that maybe they are acting out because I’m gone.  Maybe that sounds a bit presumptuous but it’s better than the alternative.  This way, if the reason IS because I’m gone, it has a good chance of working itself out when I come home.


Since we aren’t going to Disney World anymore, Cory and I have decided to take a honeymoon during the time that we would have gone to Florida.  We will be spending 5 days in Jamaica at the Sandals Resort!  I can’t wait!!

I miss my kitties!!  :(