Cory and the kids are taking care of a little baby bird they found outside. It was two birds but one of them died the other day. They got worms to feed it and everything. I hear she chirps all the time. I hope this one hangs around long enough to be set free at some point. Cory says that it's a girl based on the color of her chest and that she's a Robin. So cute!!

Here she is!!

Kitty being usual.

Sneaky Miley!

She loves to be held and pet.

When there were two.
Oh my gosh. That is so awesome. I hope the one survives!
It was sad when the weak one died yesterday. :( But the surviving one seems very healthy. I don't foresee any problems with this one. :) That first pic is my favorite one so far.
Hi! Oh my goodness!!! That little sweetie is SO CUTE! Poor little things. I'm glad she has such a great family to take care of her!! That pic with Miley is CLASSIC. Seriously, Cory, you need to photoshop a phrase on it an post on LOLCats!! Awesome. Ren Ren...I miss you SO MUCH. I hope you are doing well, hun. You're almost home! What's this about you being redeployed? Do you know how soon? I received your card the other day - how cool!!! I've never seen anything like that before! Did you create it all on a website and they printed and mailed it for you?? Oh technology. I absolutely loved it! :-) I was thinking of you last night when I went line dancing with some friends. You would have liked it. :-) I just got into work and am still recovering from the orgasm I almost had on the street when I passed 3 tall dark and handsome contruction workers on the sidewalk. They were checking me out so I flashed a big smile and said Good morning boys... They said hello and said you look very nice to day (we had already passed on another) and I said So do you! Too funny. What is it about a guy in tight jeans, crappy tshirt and hardhat? Times 3??? whew. there is a god because that just made my day, LOL. Anyways, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXOXO Mel Mel
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