Just a little over 100 days left until I come home!! Happy Father’s Day to all the dads who read this! Nothing too exciting happened here for me. It was just your average week. Redeployment stuff is starting to be brought up on a regular basis now which is fantastic! I got a bunch of new books for my Kindle. I think it was 15 total, but I only had to pay for 2 of them. I didn’t realize how many free books I could get if I just dug around a bit. I am currently reading The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane. A very good book thus far and I highly recommend it.
Cory and the kids went up to Minnesota this past weekend to celebrate the kids’ birthdays a little early. I wish I could have gone with them, of course. I heard they had a good time. I’ve included a few pictures of what they each received. Haylie made out like a bandit since it’s going to be her double digit this year. Kevin will get his turn next year when he turns 13.
The pictures of me are extra special this time around. Why, you ask? Well, the jeans that I’m wearing are the jeans that I had Cory send to me shortly after I got here. I wanted to use these jeans as something to shoot for. When I first tried them on 6 or 7 months ago I couldn’t even get them to button up. Periodically I would try them on to see if I was making any progress. I was, but it was slow. I think it’s been about 2 months since I last tried them on. At that time I could button them but it was really uncomfortable to sit down. When I received a couple new shirts from Victoria’s Secret I decided to try them on again. Oh boy was I surprised! They fit!!! FINALLY!!!! I could even sit down in them without getting a stomach ache. Oh, and the sizes of the new shirts…..SMALL!! Looks like I’ll be able to fit into my old wardrobe when I get home!!
My sister and her husband are moving to Sioux City this weekend. Matt had an interview for the managerial position of a store out there. He was offered the job. As it turns out, Erin’s store was in need of a manager out in Sioux City as well. They offered her the job too! I don’t think it could have worked out any better. I just hope they are able to find a place quickly.
I have some news that is both really good and really bad. My brother-in-law, Joey, is graduating from Border Patrol basic training next month. When he goes home for a little bit in July he and his fiancée are going to be getting married so the government will pay to move her down to Texas with him. All of that is really great news and I couldn’t be happier for them both. It’s also bad news because it is yet ANOTHER family function that I am going to miss out on because of the Army.
Well, I think that’s about it. Again, Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there! I’ll be home soon!!

Minnesota was a lot of fun. The only thing that would have made it better is if you were able to come with.
You look AMAZING in those jeans and the new shirts! I'm so proud of you making your goal and it's awesome to know that you finally see yourself like I see you... beautiful.
That's really good news for your sister! With both of them in management rolls they should finally have the income they've been wanting. :)
I never thought I'd see this day. My brother is getting married. Could somebody maybe check on Hell, it might be getting frosty down there. LOL! I really wish you could be here for this too.
Love you!
Yep, sheeeeee's back!!
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