Another week down. This past week has been pretty uneventful here. I’m still acting squad leader and that is going fine. I really wish I could talk about my job. Some things happen that really irritate me and it would help to vent. I’ll just say this, it really sucks when something goes wrong and we get blamed for it when we had absolutely nothing to do with it. Vague, I know, but I really can’t get into it.
Weight loss issue is still kind of the same. I’m back down to 146 from 150 so that’s good but I still can’t get below 146. I’m gaining muscle which is good but it’s a psychological thing with me. I associate getting thinner and losing fat with weight LOSS not weight GAIN even though I know I can gain weight and still lose fat and inches, but if I don’t see it reflected on the scale I get discouraged. I’m starting to do an abs workout that actually uses one of the weight machines. I missed the sore muscles the day after a good workout so my platoon sergeant taught me this new workout. Boy does it work!
My mom sent me a link to a YouTube video of Susan Boyle from Britain’s Got Talent. She was singing ”I Dream A Dream” from Les Miserables. I was absolutely floored when she opened her mouth to sing! It’s one of my favorite songs from that musical and it was awesome to hear it done so beautifully. I hope she makes it all the way on that show. Here’s the link if you want to check it out:
So, it’s Kevin’s turn this week to get grounded. He started a fight at school last Thursday at recess. They were in line to head back inside when Kevin purposefully knocked a ball out of a boy’s hands. After the boy retrieved it he tried to get back in his spot in line. Kevin then pushed him back out of line which made the boy end up pushing Kevin back. Kevin grabbed the boy’s shirt and then the boy punched Kevin in the arm. Both boys received an in school suspension for the rest of the day. Here’s the kicker, Kevin waited until AFTER the holiday weekend to tell anyone. Tuesday night Kevin left the piece of paper he needed a parent to sign on Cory’s pillow just before he went to bed. So Kevin technically didn’t “”tell” anyone. Cory found it after midnight when he finally decided to go to bed. The school called the next morning saying Kevin never turned in the paper. Cory told them that he had just found out about the incident that morning which got Kevin into more trouble at school. Kevin comes home and says, “”Thanks, Dad! I got into more trouble at school because of what you told them.” Sorry, Kevin, but you should have given Dad the paper when you were supposed to the day you received it, not 6 days after the fact. That last little part is almost laughable. Kevin blames his Dad for him getting into trouble at school. Anyways, he’s grounded for 4 weeks and has to write a 1000 word essay on what he did, what the consequences were, what he learned (if anything), etc. He also lied to the therapist when he asked Kevin if he was hiding anything or had lied about anything recently. So we are making him write an apology letter that he has to read out loud the next time they go to John’s. You know, it’s not very often that Kevin screws up so I almost feel bad for punishing him. ALMOST.
Hmmm, what else…..Oh, I got some really cute pics of the kids when they went up to Omaha for Easter. Well, actually, Cory got them and put them on Photobucket but you know what I meant. I heard they had fun and got to see some family which is more than I can say for me. It didn’t feel like a special day. It felt like just another ordinary day. Depressing.

1 comment:
I wish you could talk about your job too. I'm sure our daily conversations would be a whole lot more interesting. :)
I think this weight loss thing is kinda funny. Just hear me out... Remember when you were home for R&R and we were talking to Joey and Erica about losing weight and all that healthy weight stuff? They were adamant about your goal being unhealthy and unlikely attainable. I agreed with the unhealthy part and you're proving right now that it is indeed unlikely that you will get to 135 lbs let alone 125. :) But don't sweat it, I see that you already know the difference between weight loss and loss of inches. I'm sure you'll be happy with yourself soon enough. I know I'm already satisfied and if you never lost another inch or pound, I already think you're beautiful... and hot. :)
I didn't know what to expect with that youtube video. I think I was in as much shock as everyone else in that studio. My favorite part was the look on Simon's face. Priceless.
I'm very disappointed with Kevin in all of this. But I will say in his defense, the kid he was picking on is also a bully of some sorts. At least that's what Kevin's friend told me when I was letting him know that Kevin was grounded. Is it bad to proud and disappointed at the same time?
As far as Easter goes, it didn't feel like Easter for me either. But it was nice to see family. :)
Love you!!!!
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