I know it’s been awhile since my last blog but I have been exhausted since I got back here! It’s not that I’ve been busy with work or anything like that. I think it’s jetlag. I haven’t been sleeping through the night like I used to. I toss and turn all night. I go to bed at a decent hour…not too early but not too late either and I’m up about 2 hours before I have to be. It’s very frustrating.
Anyways, my 2 week vacation at home was wonderful!! I got back in time for Cory’s birthday! We went to Best Buy in Lawrence to pick up his birthday gift. I got him the Ion Drum Rocker he’s been drooling over since before it came out. After that we were going to go to Joe’s Crab Shack but time really wasn’t on our side. It was about a 2 hour drive and we had to be back home by 4pm in order to be home when the kids got home from school. So instead we tried to go to Outback just down the road a bit. No luck there. They don’t open till 4 on weekdays. We ended up going to Old Chicago which was fine since it’s one of our favorites. Joe’s Crab Shack was attacked by us a couple days before I left to come back here. Oh man that was some good eating!! We even got dessert! A six layered chocolate cake!!! We had lunch with the kids at school the next day. That was fun! School lunches have definitely changed since I’ve been in school. I remember there being more flavor to them and actually having choices. The next time we brought them Burger King. That weekend we drove up to Omaha to see family. I got my snow storm that weekend as well! For Valentine’s Day we ate at Outback and then hung out at Mic’s Karaoke Bar with my sister and her hubby. That’s were Cory and I met in person for the first time back in May 2005. The next week flew by way too fast! We had to go back up to Omaha on Wednesday for a funeral. One of Cory’s uncles passed that previous weekend. Haylie also got sick again. It was another UTI! As of yesterday she still had the same level of bacteria in her system. The docs gave her a different medication this time. That’s enough about my trip. I’ll let the pics tell the story.
I took a PT test this morning. I improved my pushups by 8 which is really good for me. I killed the walk. I really hate saying that. I want to be off this permanent profile! Anyways, I have 35-36 minutes to complete a 2.5 mile course and I did it in 26:52. I know it’s only walking but that is a killer time and my hip flexors are very sore. I weigh the same as I did before I went on leave: 146.
Well, that’s about it for now. My patience for writing right now is low so I’ll write more later. Enjoy the pictures it took me forever to upload. I’ll add more of those later too.

1 comment:
That was one crazy two weeks! When I look back on it, it's hard to believe we crammed everything we did into that short time. I really enjoyed every minute of it... well, except for the funeral. That part kinda sucked. :( It was great seeing you again! I still can't get over how much happier and positive you are and how great you look!
You chose some great pics to post. Those are some of my favorite out of the hundreds that we took. :) I only wish I wasn't sick that day. Oh well, we'll have to take some more when you get back for the holidays anyway cause you'll want to show off your new looks that I'm sure will be even more stunning than they already are. :)
Love you!!!
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