I’m finally going to bite the bullet and go to the promotion board. I have to go to the Soldier of the Month board first, which I’m not very happy about. I am scared to death of doing this. Not of becoming a sergeant, but of sitting in front of high ranking people answering questions, reciting various creeds and singing a couple songs. Learning and memorizing is not my problem. Rank, for whatever reason, scares the bejesus out of me. I could sit in front of specialists and even buck sergeants all day but the minute you put me in front of first sergeants and sergeants major I become a shaking ball of nervousness. This board is the whole reason why I am not a sergeant already. I’ve been in the military for 9 years!! I’m almost half way to retirement! I just need to get it over with, so I’m going to the Soldier of the Month board next month and then the month after that I’ll be going to the promotion board. My points are really low, too, so I would be retarded if I didn’t take advantage of that. For all of my non military friends and family, there is a point scale for every job in the military. You receive points for various things like civilian education, military education, PT, weapons qualification scores, awards and even for going to the board. For every job the point scale varies. The lower the point scale the easier it is to be picked up for the rank of sergeant. You don’t need as many points. The higher the point scale the more difficult it is to make sergeant. My points right now are 350, which I believe is the lowest the points can go. The highest is 798. Once I go to the board in February, if I make points, I will be an E5/Sergeant on March 1st. Wish me luck!
On a different and somewhat random note, I have mastered the Rubiks Cube!! I always thought those things were impossible to solve. I was so excited when I could finally solve it without the guide book. It’s Rubiks Cube mania in my office at work! Everyone is learning how to do it. Cory even sent me a Huskers rubiks cube! He’s so sweet.
Haylie has officially been diagnosed as having Asperger’s Disorder. I’m still learning about what it really is so I can’t tell you much. Asperger's Disorder is a milder variant of Autistic Disorder. People with this disorder tend to lack nonverbal communication skills, demonstrate limited empathy with their peers, and are physically clumsy. To an outsider it just sounds like she’s being a kid, but it’s much more than that. Wikipedia gives a good definition and explanation but it’s more on the scientific side. I haven’t had a whole lot of time to look for a simpler version. I just ordered three books from amazon.com so hopefully they will help me understand this disorder and ultimately help me understand Haylie.
It’s bed time. Love and hugs to everyone!
Hey! I will be in Liberty tomorrow! lying to biap them convoying over.. What's your dsn??
That whole promotion thing is awesome! I'm sure you'll do just fine. Just forget about the ranks and remember that they're people too. :)
On the Asperger's thing, here's a website that is much easier to read and does a really good job of explaining Asperger's Syndrome to the not so scientific people like us.
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