Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thankful for.......
Friday, November 28, 2008
I didn't realize my mother deployed with me??!!
I've been really tired lately. I get about 7 hours of sleep a night but it feels like I get maybe 4 or 5. I'm not sure what it is. I sleep through the entire night. I'm waiting on one of those thick pads from the PX but so is everyone else here. The beds are a nice commodity but they are really hard. That's probably what it is right there. I also hope to start my one half day off a week soon. Everyone before us started them at their 3 month mark. If it's 3 months from when we started working, then I won't start getting them until about the end of January. I know a half day off a week doesn't sound like much but take my word for sounds very appealing right about now.
I'll end with this....Kevin sent me a really cute picture of Kitty laying down in one of the bathroom sinks. I miss my kitties! :( Love and Hugs to everyone.

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Liam George Coleman
My cousin and his wife had a baby boy on the 25th of November. Liam George Coleman was born at 0926 and weighing in at 8 pounds 11 ounces and 21 inches long. Liam is named after both mine and Myron’s grandpa and Chrissie’s grandpa. Our grandpa’s name was LeRoy Moss but he went by Lee M at work…hence Liam. Both grandpa’s middle names were George so that one was a given. I’m so excited for them both! I can’t wait to meet him!! Here he is!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Mush and Blah
I looked at my blog today and realized that it has been awhile since I wrote anything. To me it feels like it’s been a couple days since I wrote. My days seem to mush together but I guess that can be a good thing. It will make my time here go by much quicker.
I recently moved into what they call here “permanent housing”. Before I was staying in a trailer type thing with 8 people. Now I’m in a trailer type thing with only one potential roommate. I say potential because as of right now I’m by myself….which is really nice.
Work is work. We finally have the mission to ourselves. The people we replaced finally went home. The workspace was really crowded and loud which made it hard to concentrate. Now it’s quiet with a lot less stress.
I’ve been working out like crazy. I’m trying really hard to lose the weight I gained when I got out of the Army back in 04. I was making really good progress until I got here. I’m sitting in an office all day and I’m only able to work out once I get off shift. I do cardio for an hour but it doesn’t seem to be making up for sitting down all day. I think I’ve gained about 5 pounds back! Very disheartening. I’m going to start doing push ups and sit ups once an hour during my shift. Hopefully that will help. I’ve been eating healthy too. I know I’ve got a year until I come home but I’ve never been a very patient person. I want to see results now, not later. I know it’s not going to happen right now and I’ve got to keep telling myself that.
My kids are doing ok. Cory was kind of slacking for a bit and paid the price for it. He’s got footprints up and down his back from letting them walk all over him. He seems to have gotten up and brushed himself off and now knows why I never really let up on them. I think he truly understands the phrase, “give them and inch and they will take a mile.” In Haylie’s case I think it’s more like taking 52 ½ miles but whose counting? She’s a sneaky one. You really have to keep your eyes on her. Kevin is Kevin. He doesn’t really get into a whole lot of trouble. School is going well I guess. I ask them how they are doing and all I get is “fine”. I ask them what they are learning and they will only mention one thing.
Ok, I think that’s all for now. I’m tired so I’m going to bed. I hope to get a camera soon so I can put some pictures up here. It looks kind of blah. More later. Love and miss everyone.