Merry Christmas everyone!!! Today was definitely an up and down day as I knew it would be. I started out being happy but then I talked with Cory and I got really depressed. It really sucks being over here for the holidays. It didn't feel like Christmas at all this year. It wasn't even cold! It's been chilly the past few days but today it wasn't. My LT at work was really cool the past couple days when it came to giving us a bit of time off for Christmas Eve and Christmas. Last night a few of us went to Al Faw palace for the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. It was really neat! I got some amazing pictures. The service was really nice too. The Air Force band was there to play music for the service as well as afterwards for some caroling. A choir sang a song during the service that gave me chills, it was so awesome! I also got to go to the Christmas Day service at the church here on Slayer. Once my work was all done my LT let me go for the day so I could Skype with Cory and the kids to watch them open their gifts!! Oh, I finally get to start my half days this week. On Saturdays I don't have to be into work until 1300. I get to sleep in!! Here's some more good news....I'm just full of good news today.....I've lost 20 pounds since I've been deployed!!! I'm now lighter than I was when I first met Cory. I feel really good. People in my company that I haven't seen since we got to Baghdad can see a huge difference. I even got a compliment from this E6 who scares the bejeezus out of me.
Kevin and Haylie really enjoyed their gifts this year. My dad and stepmom sent Haylie a really nice stuffed cat and some socks...I think. The video quality on Skype wasn't the greatest today given the high amount of people calling home today. Kevin got a neat long sleeved shirt that had a dragon on it. It's going to look really nice on him. And then they both received a gift card to go pick out something they want from the store. From Cory, Haylie got a karaoke videogame. It's got a variety of Disney songs from most of her favorite Disney shows like Hannah Montana, High School Musical and Camp Rock. From me, Haylie received two necklaces. One is a blue topaz stone in the shape of a heart and the other is a gold crown with a pearl in the center. From what I could tell she really liked them. She was just sitting in front of the camera staring at them. Of course she wanted to put them on right away. Kevin got only one gift from the both of us. We got him a new guitar. I think it was a Fender. He's been showing a lot of interest in learning how to play recently. I think Cory is going to look into getting him enrolled in some lessons. I think Kevin can get a few months of lessons for free since I'm over here. Haylie will get to take some classes too once she finds something she's interested in.
The fam is heading up to Omaha this weekend for more Christmases. My mother-in-law is even coming down from Minnesota. The kids don't know yet so it'll be a surprise for them. Also this weekend, well, monday morning, is my grandma's memorial. Cory and the kids are going to go for me. I really wish I could be there.
One more thing before I end this, I want to thank everyone who sent me a card and/or a care package. Aunt Linda and Uncle John, mom and Roger, dad and Kathy and of course all of my mom's coworkers. Thank you all so very much. To mom's coworkers, I've got something in the works for you guys. Merry Christmas everyone!!!!! Enjoy the pictures! Love and hugs to everyone!!
I think this is self explainatory.

About the palace

Part of an outside corridor

These plaques were all over the place.

The main chandelier from the third floor.

From the second floor

From the main floor. This thing took my breath away!

Even the mosaic celing above it is amazing!

Looking down one of the many hallways

Looking up......

......looking down.

During the candlelight service

That's my LT in the center. He's freakishly my husband. Love you hunnybear!!

Some coworkers and I

Just me. This chair was given to Saddam Hussein by Yasser Arafat.